Tuesday, June 23, 2015

How This Woman Lost 30kg without going to gym

Meet Kanan, a 47-year old woman, who lost as much as 30kg body weight by being committed to her weight loss goal.

Kanan was born a healthy child, but after getting married at the age of 23, she had kids and started to gain weight. She never took the weight gain seriously as she was not image-conscious.

But as she grew older, being over-weight brought a range of health issues for her, and before she knew, she was on medication for high blood pressure, asthma, back ache and joint pain.

That's when she decided to quit her job and take charge of her health.

At the beginning of 2012, she was very depressed as she weighed 100kg. At 5'2" height, she was grossly over-weight.

By following a strict plan, she lost weight and by mid-2013 she weighed about 68kgs.

Even losing a few kilos in the beginning was a big moral boost, as well as big physical boost. She could walk faster, and could walk without stopping for longer distances. She felt like a feather.

She felt very confident after weight loss. She had a better self-image.

She has stopped all medication. Her relationship with her husband improved.

Her weight loss journey is inspiring because now she knows that anything is possible.

After losing 23kg in the first three months, she visited her doctor. He struggled to recognize her. She looked like a new person after weight loss.

Her story is really inspiring because she did not take any professional help. She achieved her weight loss goals on her own.

How did she do it?

Let's find out.

Here are the things that Kanan did to lose weight.

She followed a strict diet. She made a list of foods she could eat to lose weight, and she stuck by it.

She set up weight loss doctor philadelphia a goal to walk every day. At least for half an hour. On most days she ended up walking more than that. Her goal was to clock 10,000 steps every day, 7 days a week, without any excuse.

She watched walks 'Walk at Home' videos by Leslie Sansone on YouTube. (See the video at the end of this article.)

Gradually, she introduced a bit of running in between her walks.

She made a list of her favourite songs which she used to inspire her during her walks and runs.

Knowing what to eat to lose weight, and complementing it with walking, Kanan came close to her weight loss goals. Now she wants to reach her goal of 60ks body weight.

If she could do it, you can do it too. Let's find out what to eat to lose weight, as shared by Kanan in this article.

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